Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 + apple time capsule

Finally got access to time capsule. 

1) install libraries:
sudo apt-get install libgcrypt11 libgcrypt11-dev libgmp3-dev readline-common libreadline6 libreadline6-dev libfuse2 libfuse-dev libncurses5-dev

2) download afpfs (link here)
3) unarchive afpfs ( tar -xzvf )
4) navigate to afpfs (cd afpfs*)
5) you will have to patch the afpfs because it has a bug in ubuntu 12.04 /13.04 and still in 14.04:
wget -O offset.diff https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=397155 && patch -p1 < offset.diff
wget -O afpfs-ng-0.8.1-pointer.patchhttps://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=505576 && patch -p1 < afpfs-ng-0.8.1-pointer.patch
6) supposing you are in afpfs folder you archived:
sudo configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
7) now you should be able to connect to your timecapsule using this:
mkdir ~/capsule
8) Command for MOUNT: 
mount_afp afp://user:password@server_host_or_ip/Data ~/capsule
9)Command for UNMOUNT:
afp_client unmount ~/capsule

You should see a “capsule” folder in your home folder.
In my case Time Capsule stands on

Thanks to alex!

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