Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pants on Fire: 9 Lies That Programmers Tell Themselves

Pants on Fire: 9 Lies That Programmers Tell Themselves
Software developers, like everybody else, aren't always honest with themselves. Here are some common untruths that they can come to believe are true.

Everybody lies to themselves now and again (“I can’t weigh that much; my scale must be off”) in both their personal and professional lives. Some professions, however, may be more prone to it than others. Software developers, who often work - alone - for long hours under tight deadlines seem to be particularly susceptible to a little self-delusion. By reaching out to developers on social media and reviewing developer comments in discussion forums and elsewhere online, ITworld has compiled 9 of the most common white lies that programmers will tell themselves. How little these white lies are is left up to the reader.

This code doesn’t need commenting
Commenting code is, let's face it, kind of drag, so developers will often find reasons to not do it, or, at least, put it off until later. Sometimes the reasons may be valid but other times, not so much.

"I don't need to comment this, I'll know what's going on. I wrote it for god's sake." Alek

"No one could possibly fail to understand my simple user interface" John Morrow

"I'll remember what I did here without adding a comment to explain it." Avenger

"Code is self documenting." Toby Thain

"I don't need comments because I know what the commands do" Shaun Bebbington

This code doesn’t need commenting
Commenting code is, let's face it, kind of drag, so developers will often find reasons to not do it, or, at least, put it off until later. Sometimes the reasons may be valid but other times, not so much.

"I don't need to comment this, I'll know what's going on. I wrote it for god's sake." Alek

"No one could possibly fail to understand my simple user interface" John Morrow

"I'll remember what I did here without adding a comment to explain it." Avenger

"Code is self documenting." Toby Thain

"I don't need comments because I know what the commands do" Shaun Bebbington

I can do it better myself
The growth of open source has made all sorts of code, tools and applications available to developers for free, but that hasn’t stopped them from often preferring to "role their own." Software engineers are nothing if not a confident in their own abilities.

"My homebrew framework will be nimble, lightweight, debugged, and easy to use." Toby Thain

"I don't need to following the interface norms of X because my way of doing things is better…" Mark Harrison

"I can write assembly that outperforms gcc -O3" Alex Feinberg

"My own parser will do fine." Toby Thain

"My code is better than your code." William Emmanuel Yu

I’ll fix this later
Programmers are often faced with the tradeoff of doing something fast or doing it "right," whether it's to fix a critical bug or meet a deadline. Coding compromises are often made in the name of saving time with the intention to fix or clean up the not-quite-perfect code later - often with the knowledge that later will never come.

"I know this is dirty code, I will rewrite it later." GerardYin

"We'll fix this in a later release." notgeorgelucas

"I'll come back and comment this later" schrodingerspanda

"This bug can be ignored for now" makemehumanagain

"I'll refactor this before I release it." Dave Cole

It’s only a small change
When making a change to code, either to fix a bug or add some functionality, even the smallest tweak can often turn into a bigger task than expected due to unexpected dependencies. No matter how many time they've experienced this, though, coders can still forget that there are rarely truly minor code changes.

"That is going to be a simple minor change." Hummigbird1

"It's just one line... it won't break anything" bleepster

"it will not affect the rest of the program code!" just cool stuff

"No need for database transactions, nothing can possibly fail here!" Ahmet Alp Balkan

"This minor unrelated change in the code could not possibly be the cause for the unit tests failing." Hummigbird1

It’s not a bug
Sometimes developers don't like to admit that their code is doing something wrong or has a bug. After all, they wrote it, they tested it (hopefully) and it works fine for them. Either the users are doing something wrong or they just misunderstand how the tool or application is supposed to work. At least that's what a developer may think.

"It works on my machine" Madsdad

"It's not a bug, it's a feature!" Ron007

"if it compiles, it must be correct!" Philip Guo

"If it passes tests, it must be correct." Michal Pise

"It works" Alec Heller

I know what I’m doing
Programmers' overconfidence can sometimes, wrongly, convince them they know what they're doing which, believe it or not, isn't always the case. It can lead them to cut corners, charge blindly into the fray or generally not be careful, all of which can lead to trouble.

"I can skip design and architecture and leap right into coding." Toby Thain

"I totally understand that legacy code!" Hummigbird1

"I know what the client wants." DutchS

"I don't need version control." Toby Thain

"I know what I'm doing." Kyle

I can safely skip that test
Testing is a necessary part of creating software and not always so much fun. Much like writing comments, programmers can sometimes find an excuse for not writing or performing tests or otherwise properly putting their code through it’s paces.

"Tests are usually redundant, it is working now with this input and it proves that." Ahmet Alp Balkan

"If I write some unit tests, I don't need type checking." Toby Thain

"It's a simple one-line change, we don't need to test it." Sami Kukkonen

Software developers have their favorite programming languages, ones that they come to know well, trust and depend on. Their love of and loyalty to their favorite language, however, can sometimes make them less than honest with themselves about that language’s possible faults, drawbacks or limitations.

"If it's written in C, it will be fast." Toby Thain

"It's written in Python, so it's easy to extend." Alec Heller

"Java runs everywhere." Ahmet Alp Balkan

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