Friday, August 30, 2013

Hibernate reverse engineering tool adjustments

Hibernate reverse engineering tool adjustments - how to add your own activities.

Whenever you use hibernate reveng file to generate your entities - this could be helpfull for you, I spend some time to findout how hib-tool.jar is build  and here some easy-peasy example how to adjust them. How to create some additional parameters automatically on entity mapping level.

Basically hib-tool internally uses ftl - FreeMarker Template language. Short introduction to it you could find here:

This post is not about ftl but how simply you can adjust reveng tool, let's start with some easy-funny change to give you heads up:
Lets change default comment for auto generated entities, to something that will tell everybody that you was there ;-) 

As tool is responsible for generating pojo classes from tables existing in DB, file that we want to change will be:

${pojo.getClassJavaDoc(pojo.getDeclarationName() + " generated by hbm2java a little bit modified by yarenty.", 0)}
<#include "Ejb3TypeDeclaration.ftl"/>
${pojo.getClassModifiers()} ${pojo.getDeclarationType()} ${pojo.getDeclarationName()} ${pojo.getExtendsDeclaration()} ${pojo.getImplementsDeclaration()}

Example output: ;-)

* Model generated by hbm2java a little bit modified by yarenty. */

Real life example: 

We want to add property on the column level to make sure that this column will not be update-able by hibernate [immutable on DB level].
So if you look into reveng.xml file we would like to add attribute here, lets introduce it as "update-disabled".

<table name="out_model" class="com.yarenty.core.persistence.entities.out.Model" schema="dev" catalog="out_model_dev">
<meta attribute="extra-import">javax.persistence.EntityListeners</meta>
<meta attribute="class-description">
Example Model.
@author Automatic Seam Generator (updated by yarenty)
<meta attribute="scope-class">
<primary-key><generator class=""><param name="sequence_name">market_sequence</param><param name="increment_size">10</param></generator></primary-key> <column name="result">
<meta attribute="update-disabled"/></column>

OK, we wrote it but real thing is: how to make it work?
We need to change two files - one responsible for processing xml, second for processing DB (hbm).
In file: pojo/Ejb3PropertyGetAnnotation.ftl we need to add another property

<#if ejb3>
<#if pojo.hasIdentifierProperty()>
<#if property.equals(clazz.identifierProperty)>
<#-- if this is the id property (getter)-->
<#-- explicitly set the column name for this property-->
<#if pojo.hasMetaAttribute(property, "update-disabled")>

And now in file: hbm/property.hbm.ftl when output java class will be created we need to add our output text that we want to see: 

<#if !property.updateable> update="false"</#if> <#if !property.insertable> insert="false"</#if> <#if !property.basicPropertyAccessor>

So our output, will be:

@Column(name = "result", updatable = false, length = 1) public Character getResult() { return this.result; }

TIP: As you can see - highlighted in yellowish - there is quite similar method to avoid insertion of column.

1 comment:

  1. Engineering can be defined as the discipline that involves the application of scientific and mathematical practical knowledge so as to be able to design and build structures, machines and systems. But I don't understand this Hibernate reverse engineering tool adjustments about. Can you teach me more about this? Thanks!


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