Monday, September 23, 2019

Good design instead of big architecture

Architecture: instead of multiple fancy libraries, and overcomplicated pipelines/flows/services/microservices - just write good code.

Just want to share my support to the idea put onto the article from Uber guys :
"Software Architecture is Overrated, Clear and Simple Design is Underrated"

There are few points why I like it, especially since for some time I worked in an environment where managers were always thinking that using fancy jargon, and adding as much as possible different libraries make the solution "better" / "cooler".

Yes, I admit, I'd like to use nice new fancy libraries, but my excuse is I want to be in business and want to learn new stuff, from project/management perspective there is however one issue: at the end of the day - who will maintain that and why?

The second output of this article - if you build good software, then the architect position is .. obsolete. I know it's hypocrisy, on linkedin I use that title - and again my excuse is careerwise perspectives - "architect" is understandable by everyone in the programming world and by the head hunters.

Design patterns - no more

Design patterns - choose good programming language without internal "philosophical" gaps, then you don't need to learn patterns!

Yes, I admit I have aversion to patterns, for a simple reason - if programming language that you choose is good ... you don't need patterns, you don't need workarounds to cover language issues.

In my opinion patterns are just workarounds/cover-ups for language gaps/inconsistency.
It looks like: you build the house on the tree and you forgot to put a ladder, so you cannot reach the doors. Then comes patterns: use ropes, build concrete staircases, etc...
If you spend time on planing tree-house in the first place - no need for workarounds.

Just to be clear yes I'm talking about java - if you want to write a good program you need to know the whole catalog of patterns (starting with GOF). If you compare it to python, scala (tobe checked: kotlin, swift) - no more patterns. There are some suggested good behaviors like use functional instead of OO, but that is your choice/ your style.

I think this is an advantage of new languages - if you want to promote a new language you need to have it clean and easy to learn and use.

Datafusion Comet

Hi! Recently I moved to Rust and working on several projects - more insights to come ... one of them was Datafusion - an extremely fast S...